The Reality of Spirit
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
I gratefully open my heart to the reality of Spirit. I know that the One is everywhere present, in, through, and as all things revealing the beauty of Itself. Therefore I am filled with this presence – it is my very essence. I am as Spirit is!
I walk in this life experience always learning, always discovering, forever curious about what more there is to see and feel and know. Everything is new, every moment is new, because I am expanding into the fullness of my creation. Around every corner and underneath every experience is a discovery of the vastness of Spirit!
What joy this brings to my life. I never have to be “stuck.” As much as I can ask can be answered. I am truly grateful for this and how it animates my life – how The One is forever animating Its creation!
Allowing this truth to be, I let it go and trust it to the Law of the One.
And so it is.