The Truth of the Moment
by Robyn Rice Olmstead, Practitioner Emeritus
In this moment I allow everything to fall by the way side. To stand in the unknown with nothing encroaching from the past and no wayward thoughts towards the future. Only the Truth of the moment that is Love. Pure, LOVE. That which is the essence of the Divine. The name is unimportant. Be it Buddha, Allah, Yeshua, the Universe… by any name it is All knowing, All powerful, Infinite Possibility and the purest Love known to man. I rest in the knowingness that I am inseparable from this One. That beyond the realm of my human mind, I am the unique out picturing of the Divine. Inseparable from this greatness.
As I align with this, I remember the value of who I am. I am creative. I am strong. I am wise. I am loved. I am valuable. I am worthy. I am the unique expression of the Divine in action. As I embody the Oneness, I unlock the pathway to my greatest good. All of my needs are met with ease and grace. I embrace the fullness of God, I release anything that separates me from the embodiment of Truth. Truth and Knowingness are my Superpowers. I am unstoppable.
I stand in gratitude, fully aware that my life is a gift and I am here to share it. I release and banish anything that stands in the way of the full expression of this prayer. I know that all has been realized in the mind of God and the time is now for it to be expressed here in actuality. Standing in the Truth, I release it all and let it go. I move out of the way and allow the full expression of God to be my guiding light and shine forth on the planet. Priceless…
And so it is.
Asi es