The Ultimate Life Force
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
The ultimate Life force behind all things; the Creator of the wonders of the world, the stars in the sky, and each grain of sand on the beach is the same Life that lights up every person on this earth and in the far reaches of galaxy beyond our knowing. This Life is my Life and it is your Life. We walk in this word because the Love of the Creator surrounds and animates all of us.
Knowing that this is true, I now affirm that the abundance of this creation is ours. I open now to allowing the fullness of Spirit to be revealed in my life overflowing beyond my wildest dreams. And I know that all those around me are fully supplied at all times, that every communty I am a part of is blessed beyond measure, and the plenty that is inherent in all life is everywhere present in my life.
For this truth and so much more I am in gratitude. I give thanks for the flow that enters and leaves my life! I am grateful to have these words expressed through me. And so I allow them to be. And so it is.