Transitions and New Beginnings

Transitions and New Beginnings
by Liza Kerr, RScP

Liza Kerr, RScP

For every beginning, there is an end that preceded it, which was itself preceded by another chain of events with a different beginning and a different end, on and on, endlessly throughout eternity.  Each new beginning is an opportunity to experience something different, and wonderful.  The freedom of choice is a tool that we use to create different patterns for new beginnings.  I choose to believe that this freedom of choice follows beyond this realm on our immortal journey.

God is everywhere and everything.  God is Omnipresent and Omniscient.  God is in the first breath we take and in the last breath we breathe, and every breath in between.  God is Light, Hope, Faith, Love, Infinite Knowledge, and Wisdom.  There is no separation between me and God.  I am a living, individualized personification of God as the One Source.  Each quality of God is found in me.  There is nothing in me that is not of God, even the sorrow I feel at the passing of a friend is a part of God.  Just as this is true for me it is true for you, each of us a part of the One True Being.

I speak my Word and my Word is Law that the new beginning I am experiencing in my job is exactly what I need to be experiencing.  That I am on the right path, and the sum of my experiences makes me perfect for this choice.  I know this is true for everyone starting down a new path whether it be a new job, a new baby in the family, a new home, a new beginning of any kind including death which is a transition to a new life.

I am so grateful to be given this opportunity and know that it will unfold perfectly.  I am grateful for each person out there who is experiencing a new beginning and I know with you that it unfolds perfectly.

I release my Word to the Law of Mind knowing that it cannot come back to me void and that it has already happened.  I anchor this prayer into place by saying: