Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Good

Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Good
by Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus

Marjorie Larragoite, RScP

“We should hold out our cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires.”  Holmes, Ernest,  The Science of Mind, p. 246.4

“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” I Corintians, 2:14, Holy Bible

There is one Presence, the Divine Spirit which lives within each person and expresses as each one.  This One Presence is the God within, which gives to each person as each one is open to receiving.  This one is Love, Light, Truth, Wisdom, Health, Wholeness, Peace, Serenity, Joy, Happiness… all Good in every way.

I am one with this Presence.  It is my truth of being, living within me and expressing through me in every way.  It is the giver of all good and provides for all my needs, desires and wants.

This is also the truth of every other person who is now in the process of asking for, receiving and accepting the good that the Divine Presence has to give to each one.  Each person is absolutely and completely one with that Divinity that is within and that comes forth in the highest and best way.  This connection is the Truth of Being of all. I now declare that all people who ask for, receive and accept the good for which each one is seeking now have that good and are able to allow it to come into their lives in the most wonderful way possible.  Each one “holds out the cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of the desires” which that person has.  Each one realizes that the good they receive is from the Spirit of God, releases any thoughts, feelings and doubts that are contrary to this good, understanding that it comes from Spirit and is divinely prepared and given.  Each one receives and accepts that good totally and completely.

I now give thanks for this awareness and for allowing this good to come into my life, and in the lives of every person who is seeking more good in their lives.  I am filled with gratitude as I accept the fulfillment of this good into each life, and know that each one is blessed and a blessing.I release this to Infinite Creator to bring it forth in the very highest and best way.  As I have written these words, it has already been done in the mind of God and now comes forth wonderfully and completely.  All is well, all is done.

And so it is,
