Treatment to Receive My Good
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
There is a principle in the Universe that works on my behalf and that I call God, and I can use It. It is everywhere and omnipotent. It always does my will in that it opens me up to see my good and to receive it. I am one with It.
In this treatment, I open myself up to all of my good. I stand here with my arms open and my heart receptive, knowing that what God has in store for me is exactly the good I want for myself. It can be a demonstration of a material good. It can be a deep sense of connection with the qualities of God that bring peace, love, power, creative thought, joy, and abundance. This connection brings, rather it is, my heart’s desire.
Going within and breathing in Spirit, I affirm for myself, and for all who read these words, peace in the form of knowing I am one with God; love in knowing that at my very center I am love; power in knowing that, as Jesus showed us, it is not I but Divine Spirit that does all things; creative thought in asking for and receiving all I need to know to express myself fully; joy knowing that I am one with a joyful Spirit; and abundance in knowing that I have all I need, I have always had what I need, and I have confidence that it will always be true for me.
I give thanks for all these gifts that I receive now. They are mine. I am one with them. I am thankful for the workings of the Universe that makes this so. I release my words and let them go, knowing with full confidence that they return to my open arms fulfilled.
And so it is, amen.