Tsunami of Love

Tsunami of Love
by Nancy Bowers, RScP

God is Everything, in Everyplace, Always.  The Truth of Source Energy is Pure Love and It permeates all of being.  It infiltrates all life.  It is the cornerstone of existence: the energy that animates All.  It is Clear.  It is Generous.  It is Uplifting, Euphoric even.  It is a Power without parallel. Nothing is stronger.  Nothing is more cohesive.

And what I absolutely know of God is that Goodness is Its driving force and that Love is never absent.  So, I sink into that vibration of Love and allow it to resonate through my being.  I invite in the remembrance of Oneness, the Truth that nothing I can say, do, or think can negate the Tsunami of Love that is God.

I am that.  You are that.  We ALL are that.  No separation.  No specialness.  All Divine, now and forever.  Beyond the veil of opposites lies that synergy of life where one person’s trash is another’s treasure, where give and take dance in perfect balance. Seeming mistakes are but another step toward mastery.  I cannot fail in my pursuit of God for I was always connected and can never separate from that Divine Love that beats my heart and pumps my blood.  I let go of thinking anything ‘should’ be other than it is and simply allow God to show me my role.  How can I be love?  How can I be peace?  What would You have me do, dear Lord?  How can I be of service?

I surrender to Spirit.  I allow Love to have Its way with me.  I listen, knowing that God’s voice will always lead me back to Everything, for it is the Father’s good pleasure to usher in the Love that is my happiness.  Once I let go of thinking I know what anything is for and let myself be swept up in the Tsunami, I discover the joy found in being God’s lapdog.  My will and God’s will cannot be separated and it is only ego’s feeble efforts to control and attempt to usurp God’s unparalleled Power that foolishly deludes me into thinking I can change the Changeless Nature of Spirit.

Thank Heavens God is undisturbed by my delusions.  Like a parent watching his toddler try to shove a square peg into the circular opening, God just laughs and continues to love.  I cannot change the Changeless.  God is always Love and I’m so grateful that I lack the ability to screw that up. 

I will step back and let Him lead the way.  The way to Love.  To Peace.  To Unending Joy.  I surrender to the Tsunami and let it take me where it will.  I embrace the Oneness and let God show me how it’s done.

And so it is.  Amen.