Unifying with Divine Loving Beingness
by Chris Duvall, RScP
I look to Source Life, First Cause, Radiant Light, and Harmony within the Divine Whole. I call to Divine Loving Creative Power Presence and Intelligence. I summon Truth and Joy.
I know I am of the Divine Being, which I’ve named. If there is anything in me that is not in alignment with Pure Spiritual Loving Essence, I release it now. I unify my consciousness with Divine Loving Beingness, and I shine forth as the Goodness I call God.
I declare that this day my experience is blessed with vibrant energy, health and strength, a flow of abundant providence, loving relational interactions, and the successful accomplishment of my purpose. I declare that all those within my circle of influence are blessed in the same way; that each experiences the highest and best fulfillment of his or her harmonious intentions.
I unleash Divine Life – as named above – to take Its rightful authority to deal with any situations that need to be transformed – in order that all on this planet might experience love, health, support, happiness, and peace.
I am grateful that Spirit has heard my word and now acts upon it. I am grateful for the accomplishment of this word in my life and in the world. I release it into the inevitability of the Law, knowing it is done. And so it is.