Valuing Intuition
by Lovater Jones, RScP

“Intuition is God in man [sic], revealing to him the Realities of Being.” – Ernest S. Holmes
God’s way of speaking to us and guiding us is done through us. The Science of Mind Text says that Spirit cannot work for us in any other way, except through us! However, It does so ONLY when we recognize It for who and what it is, the VOICE OF GOD! We must believe what It says It is…our Guidance, Divine Right Action, the Source of our supply, our Health, and any other desires we might have. It is that which goes before each of us to make “all of the crooked places straight.” Intuition, the voice of God, is that which is directing our pathways so that we will know which way to go. All that is required of us is to Listen, Trust, Believe and Follow! Spirit is ALWAYS willing to lead us to our greater Good, we, however, must be open and receptive to this sacred guidance.
This intuition may come as a feeling, a passage in a book, an answer to a long-held question, a talk by your minister, or even lyrics in a beloved song; it is our place to recognize what we hear as guidance; as the answer to our question.
Our Text (Science of Mind) says that “just as instinct guides animals, so would intuition guide us, if we would allow it to operate through us.”
“The Universe is impersonal. It gives alike to all……..Its nature is to impart, ours to receive.” – The Science of Mind, page 41