We Are One.
Maria Dion, RScP
There is one Power, one Presence in existence and I call It God. God is Peace, Strength, Harmony and Joy. It is the Loving presence that creates and nurtures everything into existence and the most perfect evolution imaginable.
I Unify with God in this and every moment. I am filled with peace, harmony and joy. Infinite Intelligence guides me in every action, every idea. God’s Strength is my strength; God’s Intelligence floods my mind.
Today is perfect! It is God’s day! What a glorious day! I embrace the joy of each breath — knowing that each wildflower, each animal, each human being and the Earth Herself is breathing with me. There truly is no separation.
I turn away from thoughts of the past and future, and acknowledge the perfection of this present moment. I trust God’s plan for my life. I bathe in the love and activity of God all around me – as it manifests in the people around me, the places I go and the experiences I have as a Divine Being on this planet. I know that the people walking down the street or driving in the cars next to me are God, and there is no separation! We are all drawn from the same palette. My faith is in God’s guidance, goodness and love for me and for all people everywhere. I am grateful for the perfect unfoldment of Life; for the Love that surrounds and enfolds me; for my beautiful, courageous family; for perfect health; for sufficiency. There is enough and I am enough.
I feel such gratitude for the Science of Mind, for our Practitioner Family, and for the community of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. I acknowledge the RGCSL Global Family – the many people who, around the world, connect with us on a daily basis. We truly are one.
Knowing blessings for us all, I release this Word into Law, and know that it is done.
And so it is!
And so it is!
Maria Dion is a practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living.
Sunday Services are held at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at 4374 Alexander Blvd. NE, Suite T, Albuquerque, NM 87107.
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