
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

I go inside to a deep place of Yes and find God. God is the ALL. With no beginning and no end. It is the life force in the Universe, and the life force within me. As I sit, close my eyes, and breathe in, I fall into the all-encompassing arms of God, the life force in me that says yes to my life and yes to all that I can be.

God is Love, Power, Presence, Beauty, Health, Strength, Abundance. The same Universal God with all of these attributes is also within me. I am one with it. As I breathe in from a place of Yes I breathe in Love, and I experience Love with my family and friends. I breathe in Power and I experience Power in my ability to choose my thoughts and the direction of my life. I breathe in Presence, and know that God in me expresses through me, as me. I breathe in Beauty, and I know that the beauty of Nature and the beauty of human made creativity is mine to experience and love. I breathe in Health, and know that health is circulating through my body and in every cell of my body as the model of perfection my body knows. I breath in Strength, and know that I have the strength, motivation, energy, focus to do all that I am inspired to do and be. I breathe in Abundance, knowing that abundance is my life. I have all that I need and want. All the blessings of the world, material and spiritual, are mine now.

This is true for me and for all who read and accept these words. I declare for all an experience of God in its many manifestations, and especially in its resounding YES to all that is Good.

I give thanks for the wonders of God and the experiences I have. I give thanks for the Good I see.

I release this prayer to the Universe and to the Law, knowing that it must return fulfilled.

And so it is.