A Prayer for Perfect Health and Peace of Mind

A Prayer for Perfect Health and Peace of Mind
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

I address this prayer to the Source of All Being, to God Eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing. This Spirit of God is Love, Peace, Health and Well Being, Safety, Trust, and Understanding! I am one with Spirit; we are one in this Love.

In this moment, I affirm I declare that there is nothing that is not the perfection of Spirit. I affirm that all medical professionals and health workers– doctors, nurses, caregivers and rehab specialists are divinely guided to the right treatment.

I affirm the peace of God that surpasses all understanding as we experience deep love, healing, and perfection. With this prayer, all fear falls away in the knowing that all is well as we are held safely in the arms of God. I give thanks and I release this prayer to the Divine Universe knowing that it is heard and fulfilled.

And So It Is.