“The word ‘poverty’ usually conveys to our minds the idea of a money shortage, but actually the word means the lack of any good thing. Poverty is the very antithesis of abundance, and abundance of good is necessary to human happiness. It is only as we experience good that God is expressed through us.” Ernest Holmes
A Prayer for the Abundance of Good
by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
There is One Good, a Good so Profound that It imbues all Life with Itself. I call this Good, God, and call It forward. God is All There Is – Everyone, Everything Everywhere. It is Love, Peace, Happiness, Divine Order, Divine Law, Justice, Goodness, Truth. It is the Thing Itself.
I am one with this Good, one with God. I am so steeped in God’s energy that all I know is that Good. I am so profoundly aligned with It, that anything unlike Its Goodness now falls away from me never to return. I, too, am love, peace, happiness, divine order, divine law, justice, goodness, and truth. I am myself. As I know this for me, I know this for the person reading this prayer.
I affirm and declare abundance. Where there is lack, I simply turn away and consider my gratitude. I recognize that God’s good is the very essence of my being and I simply speak my word that my mind is changed. I affirm abundance of love, money, and all good things in my life. Miracles abound. I am happy. Everywhere I look, I see a miracle. All aspects of my life become mine to experience and, because I am profoundly aligned with God, I see my good everywhere, in everything, and in everyone. I am free to be me. I am free to be happy.
I am so grateful for my life and for my self. I am grateful that I have been given all the tools I require for an abundant life. I am so grateful for the loves of my life – for my family, friends, and spiritual community. I am grateful for the vast abundance that is mine to experience.
Knowing that all is well, I call this prayer good and release it into the Law where it does its work. And so it is. Amen.