A Prayer for Those Who Are Suffering
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP
I know that God is Good. I know that God hears prayer. At this moment, it is my heart’s desire to create a prayer for those who are suffering, and I choose to place it with our Creator. What I also know in this moment is that I am connected with Spirit in consciousness awareness of my Inner Light that is ever-present, and everlasting. That is what is coming forth in my Oneness in order to fully manifest my heart’s desire right here, right now.
I ask you now to join me by embracing that light inside of you to bring forth your love and caring for all who you know are suffering. Our Unity brings forth a force of faith. As we unite together, we bring perfect harmony to this prayer that we can now place into a blessing for all who are suffering. This prayer is for perfect outcomes of desired needs, as well as calmness, peace, clarity, and so much more. I know there are challenges that can come from life, but I ask you to now only see and know with positivity, that all will come forth in divine grace, in divine order, and in God’s divine timing.
As I place this prayer into the action of the Law, our inner heart lights release anything that would even appear to limit God’s desires for perfect outcomes for all.
I give thanks for this prayer, for the granting of divine order, and for the God Desires for all in need. I am grateful. And so it is, Amen.