A Treatment for Perfect Return to Health
by Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group – RGCSL
What a joy it is to recognize the power and the presence of the God-Life that resides within! How blessed I am to know that the truth of my being is that of love, light, and wholeness. As I turn within, I know that I am one with the One, and that everything I could ever possibly need is contained in that Oneness. All of the healing energy, all of the divine right action, and all of the acceptance of my never-ending good are mine to behold. And as I know this for myself, I know this as well for each and every person who hears or reads these words. I accept and know for all persons who may be experiencing physical challenges, that they are in perfect alignment with their good, and that they fully embrace it with heartfelt acceptance. I know that anyone who may be assisting in medical procedures or treatments are in perfect alignment as well, and proceed with clarity and knowledge for each person’s highest and best health outcome. Everyone’s healing experience progresses smoothly and in perfect timing, and I see and know for all an easy journey to complete recovery of body, mind, and spirit. Life is good and very good, and my heart swells with gratitude for this healing energy. Thank you Spirit, for the blessings of this day. And so it is.