Abundance – The Path to Prosperity
by Dr. Ernest Holmes
“THE healing of conditions is no different from other healing.”
“All healing is the constructive use of a mental law which the world is gradually beginning to understand something of.
“Again we must reiterate the principle of all life. We are surrounded by a thinking medium from which all things come. We think into it; it does the rest. Since we are thinking beings and cannot stop thinking, and since Creative Mind receives our thought and cannot stop creating, it must always be making something for us.
“What it will make depends absolutely and only upon what we are thinking, and what we will attract will depend entirely upon our holding thought to the complete exclusion of all that would contradict it.
“It is not enough that we should sit down and say, I am one with Infinite Life. This must mean more than mere words; it must be felt, it must become an embodiment of a positive mental attitude. It is not claiming something to be true which is going to happen; it is not sending out an aspiration, or a desire, or a supplication, or a prayer; it must be the embodiment of that which knows that now it is.
“This is more than holding a thought. Our ability to attract will depend upon the largeness of our thought as we feel that it flows out into a great Universal Creative Power. We are dealing with the form in thought, and not with the form in matter.”
“We have learned that when we get the true form in thought and permeate it with the spirit of belief; we will see the thought made flesh without any further effort on our part.”
“Creative Mind” – Ernest Holmes