Affirming the Essence of Spirituality
by Carol S. Helms, RScP
I wake every morning profoundly grateful that everything and everyone is made of and in the image of the Essence that created everything and everyone. It is in the knowing that I am the very essence of the Beloved Creator that I experience true humility in the truth that I Am the very Essence of the I AM.
Today I live, move and have my being in the experience of God living in, as, for and through me, and it is in that moment of experiencing the Living God breathing me, guiding me, teaching me, beating my heart…silently letting me feel he Divine Presence; I am empowered to step into the day as my best and highest self, and in a manner that honors that which is the Essence of all that is.
I live, move and have my being in the ease and effortless of living, giving and forgiving; being that which God intended me to be; everything and everyone being that which God created them to be. I live, move and have my being in the energy and enthusiasm of Spirit within; the education and edification of the Source and Wisdom within everything and everyone; the equanimity, equity and equality of everything and everyone-seeking, finding and falling in love with the equitable beauty of all.
Throughout the day I live, move and have my being in the expectations of God; the excitement of God; the expansion, evolution and expression of the Living God expressing in, as, for and through me.
I live, move and have my being in the eternality and everlasting of the Living God forever unfolding in perfection in everything and everyone. And so it is!