All There Is
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Senior Minister
Spirit is all there is. All of Creation is the expression of Spirit. All activity, all beauty, all power is this one Spirit, this one God, this one Life. And that life is my life now. It is your Life, It is the Life of the beloved RGCSL community, It is the Life of all. I am that Life and that Life is mine.
In all things I express this Life. My activity, my rest, my thought, my creativity is this Life being Itself as me. So I know that all that I do for the good of myself and others is that Life. My work is my Life and my Life is my work. It all flows with ease and grace in divine patterns of functionality. I am sustained and fulfilled in all activity of my Life. The work that is mine to do is a potent gift of Divinity in my Life.
For this truth and the more, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude that my Life’s work is my work’s Life. Gratitude that Spirit is ever revealing Itself as me.
And so I release this word in it’s fullness knowing that it is already done!
And so it is!