Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Allowing the Feelings

Allowing the Feelings
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Recently, I notice that I have been grieving so many things, past and present. Waves of feelings are coming forth to be recognized. It’s like my spiritual junk drawer of the past four decades has popped open and said, “Hello, sister. I have been waiting for you.” So, instead of just slamming the drawer shut again, I honor that I need to take some time to sit with myself, to clean up my past, to grieve what has hurt, and to get honest about what I am feeling and have felt…what I have experienced and what I am experiencing now.

From Ernest Holmes in Living the Science of Mind, “In the Science of Mind, we do not say everything is all right when it is all wrong. We do not say peace when there is no peace, but rather we try to discover what is wrong and why we do not have peace…In addition to this, we must never forget that man is primarily a Spiritual being with a mind and a body. It is only when these three are brought together that we can hope to have health, happiness, and success.”

In this space, I step out of denial, let go of stuffing the drawer, and honor all that has come together to make up who I am. I know it has all served a purpose and deepens my compassion and my capacity. I vow to allow myself to feel the feels from here forward and face life head on. I take a time out and get support when I need it. This life is real; it is not an illusion. The illusion is when I bypass it or pretend it’s not there, which causes more harm than good in the long run. So, I surrender my heart and mind to the Divine and welcome the healing grace of understanding to flow into every aspect of my life: past, present, and future. I know that all of it blesses me. Thank you, Loving Source. And so it is.