by Katy McCree, RScP
As I let my breath anchor me, I feel an expansive stillness in my heart, and with that a deep connection to everything there is. I am one with the whole, one with all of creation. There is a presence and a power within me that I can always turn to for whatever I need. Strength, patience, guidance, peace… What a joy to know Spirit is my companion, partner, co-creator. The living Spirit lives within me and I am complete. Now I look at all conditions anew and feel my abilities to respond however I need to. I am confident in myself and divine life, confident in Spirit being my silent power. I never have to look to the external world, for all that I seek is within my relationship to God. For there is only one power and it is not money or people — it is the power that has made this day, and brought all to this moment, reading these words. I am so grateful for my union with the divine, and for all the ways it uplifts and supports me each day. Life is sweet in its embrace. And so with great joy I place these words into the law, knowing it all true and done, and I say: and so it is.