Attracting Success, Second Part
by Dr. Ernest Holmes
Suppose one wishes more activity in his business, more success. Every day he should see his place filled with people. See them looking at and finding pleasure in his merchandise;see them comparing prices and realizing that he is offering good values; see them delighted with the service his is giving; see them cheerful, beaming, expansive, as they enjoy the atmosphere of his place; see the uplift which the spirit of his good-will gives them. Make a mental picture of it all. We are dealing with Intelligence, and we should recognize the Power we are wishing with — realizing our Oneness with It — and then we should ask for what we wish and take it.
If we were treating(praying) for activity in a store we owned in Boston, we would not be treating someone in Kalamazoo for the mumps and expect that the store would demonstrate more success. WE MUST BE SPECIFIC IN WHAT WE DO, while at the same time never outlining how it shall be done. Remember we are dealing with Intelligence. IT IS GOING TO EVOLVE OUR CONCEPT EXACTLY AS WE INVOLVE IT. If one could take a picture of his objective circumstances and a picture of his subjective mentality, he would find them to be identical, for one is the cause of the other. One is the image and the other is the reflection of that image. So our success in business, the activity which we generate through the operation of the Law, depends upon our ability to conceive. At all times, we are either drawing things to us or pushing them away. In the average individual, this process goes on without his knowing it, but ignorance of the law does not change its result. “What,” some will say, “do you think that I thought that failure or wanted to fail?” Of course not. Perhaps you thought that failure might come, maybe you even feared it would come, or in some other way gave it entrance to your mind.
Dr. Ernest Holmes, “Science of Mind” page 300-301.