Be a Beacon for Love, Peace, and Goodness
by Liza Kerr, RScP
There is one God, one center of all life and all light, and that light shines through me. I know that the only way to Peace is by being peaceful. I know that the only way to dispel hatred is through Love. I know that when I open myself to the Love that is God, the Good that is God, the Peace that is God that there is an endless supply of this – for me, for you , for everyone.
There is no separation between me and God – we are one and the same. I am not the Creator, but a creation. The God that I search for and reach for can be found right here beating in my heart, speaking through me, walking, laughing experiencing life through me as me. I never have far to look, and it is in my peaceful mediations that I am so gently reminded that God is with me, comforting me, protecting me, and loving me. If this is true for me – it is true for each of you.
I have a heavy heart today in the midst of knowing that friends and acquaintances are struggling for their lives and that people around me are losing their lives by being shot, succumbing to disease or being hurt or killed in an accident. Sometimes it is too much to take in, too much weight. Then I remember that I don’t have to carry the weight – God will. I surrender the weight to God. His will be done, not mine. As I turn my awareness to God I breathe in the peace that is God, the Goodness, Love, Safety, and Security that are God. I become aware of how this makes me feel. I become aware that sometimes all I can do is just find my own internal peace, and spread that out to whatever small sphere of influence I have to try and maybe, just maybe ease someone else’s journey. Today I am a vessel for the love and goodness that are God, today I am a beacon shining the light, peace, love, safety, and security that are God out from the depths of my soul trying to touch one other person – you, and you, and you – and saying pass it on.
I am so grateful knowing my God is always with me, and is an everlasting source of love, good, and peace. I know that I am surrounded and filled with this God energy, and that wherever I am, it is. I am safe and secure, I have enough, and more, and I feel grateful today knowing that God walks with me.
I release my word to the Law of Mind, and say – AND SO IT IS!