Beautiful and Bountiful
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson
Knowing the One Loving Source is all there is, I raise my awareness right now and open up to recognize that Presence. The All-That-Is is all there is, so I am an expression of the I AM. There is no separation, no this or that, no big or small, no hard or easy, no us or them…only the Divine expressing in an infinite variety of ways. And these expressions are beautiful and bountiful.
And with this heightened awareness, I claim for myself a deepened recognition, that I too am beautiful and bountiful. My life is beautiful and bountiful. My family is beautiful and bountiful. My spiritual community is beautiful and bountiful. This world is beautiful and bountiful. And any time I think I am less than or this world is less than or my family and friends are less than, I remember this affirmative prayer that is my Truth: God is beautiful and bountiful, more than enough and oh so good.
I’m grateful for the overflow of this goodness in my life that I get to experience every day. I give thanks for being able to release negative thoughts or limiting beliefs. I expand into this Truth as my new normal of beauty and bounty every day, all the time, and I am grateful.
With complete confidence in the Law, I release this prayer knowing the perfect manifestation is already happening right now. And so it is.