Brand New Day
by Yvette Trujillo, RScP
As I sit here this evening surrounded by my loving family, I watch and listen to this vibrant younger generation’s excitement and anticipation as they move into their first careers – an emergency room doctor, a lobbyist, a champion for social change. I am overwhelmed by love and appreciation and I’m reminded that I’m not done yet! I am inspired to see the world with fresh eyes and to see myself in that way too.
Every day is an opportunity to begin again or to recommit. Every day is a chance to experience life with the freshness and anticipation of these young optimistic people.
I invite you to see this day with new eyes and remember that it is overflowing with infinite possibilities…. and so are you! Let everything that has clouded over your optimism simply fall away, even just for one day. Try it on and see how it feels to be excited about your life and all that you can do with this infinite Good and God that lives you.
It’s a brand new baby day. Go get ‘em tiger!
And so it is.