Calling in the Unstoppable Light Force
by Nancy Bowers, RScP
In the hustle and the bustle, when it seems as if there is no time to catch my breath, I pause and enter the space of remembrance. God is always present. God is the Present Moment. In between the rushing, and hectic-ness, Spirit lives and breathes and has
So I turn to that Essence. I breathe into that Peace. I crawl into the Glow that illuminates my heart when I pause to feel the Love that is always present, to allow the Light to lift me and turn me toward my Source. I turn away from the doing and slip into the being. I go to the place where my soul knows its connection to the Light and Love of God. I allow myself to feel how I am like Her. Do you feel it, too? It’s not just me, it’s you. You and I are like that Divine Energy I call God. You and I, we are Her expressions, Her beautiful expressions of light.
So recognizing this, I call in help. I call in the Holy Spirit, that Unstoppable Light Force that turns all despair to gladness, all frustration to
Let us give thanks, thanks for the Light Force;
Then I let it go. I call it good, and I let it go. I let the Love of God handle the details. God’s assistance is forever, and it is here. Now. And So It Is. Thank you, Lord. Amen.