Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Today’s passage from the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes is
very reassuring and powerful.
“In mental work, we must realize that there is One Infinite
Mind, which is consciously directing our destiny. Declare
every day that: “No mistakes have been made, none are being
made, and none can be made.” Declare: “There is One Supreme
Intelligence which governs, guides and guards, tells me
what to do, when to act and how to act.” Having done this in
perfect faith, act with perfect assurance. Declare further:
“Everything necessary to the full and complete expression
of the most boundless experience of joy is mine now.”
Know this, see it, feel it and BE it. Do this every day for a
few minutes. We should all do this until the time comes when
it is no longer necessary. When that time comes we will
know it because our demonstrations will have been made.”