Cocooned in Grace
by Nancy Bowers, RScP
The Creator is Pure Love Energy, and It is Everywhere, in Everything, emitting Peace, sharing Joy. It is the Harmony that hums as Vitality, blending All into Goodness. It is the Grace that blesses errors, seeing them as just that, nothing more. For God is the Eternally Gracious One, the One compassionate enough to overlook foibles. Love is like that, willing to see past seeming imperfection. Spirit is like that: Generous beyond Measure.
And I know that I am one with my Creator. I am like Her. I look to Her, the Holy Mother, as my role-model, my guide for how to be, and where to place my energies. She is the Sainted Anointer who brings Her children to sacred remembrance, and in turning to Her, I find my own holiness. I lift my face up to the Heavens and find myself bathed in hallowed Ardor. Spirit calms me into alignment with who I really am. Won’t you join me there? Divinity is beckoning you into holy alignment with your truth. You are as the Creator ordained you to be. You are love and peace and harmony. You are grace. You are like Her.
So join me now as I affirm for you all that Christ would have you be. Join me now as I affirm for you that which was always true: you are a blessed light in this world. You are a gentle gift to all who encounter you. God said your name and beauty was born. Forget the past and any missteps taken there, for there is only now, this moment where the past is seen as the illusion that it is. In this here and now, there is only Grace, this place where your true essence is seen and appreciated and loved. In this here and now, God blesses and blesses and blesses, for the One gazed upon Its creation and saw it was good.
Welcome in Truth. God is here for you. Always. Graciously here: forgiving, extending Love. God is here for you, and that can never change.
Drinking in this awareness, I give thanks. I invite you, into the gratitude found in the Divine. You are forever cocooned in Grace, eternally wrapped in Light and Forgiveness. Pause a moment. Give thanks. God spoke your name and it was immediately consecrated. Give thanks for how loved you are. I give thanks just to feel Its Fire. Do you feel how it Purifies, returns you to your innocence? Give thanks for that, as I give thanks and steep my heart in gratitude.
Then let go. I release this. I send it off to echo out into the world. The Gracious One has sanctified these words. It is done and it is good. And So It Is. Amen.