Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM We are putting together a Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Business Reference Guide so that we can spread the good news about people in our community that have various products and skills that other people may need. If you are interested in having your business listed in the book, please come to the information table and pick up a form. The cost is $5 to advertise …
Dr. Ernest Holmes – Center For Spiritual Living
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albquerque, NM Dr. Ernest Holmes If you take your cursor and hover over Dr. Ernest Holmes’ name above you will find more information about him and his life. There is a video below that is very rare. Dr. Holmes talks about a Power greater than we are and how one can put it to good use in their life. Enjoy!
New Additions to the Music Program!
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 07/19/2010 New Announcement! Starting August 8th, Sunday music is getting bigger! Music Director Susan Clark would like to welcome Lewis Winn on guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion to the music program and to our RGCSL community. We are excited to have them join us and we look forward to hearing their sound. Lewis Winn Guitarist/Bassist Lewis Winn has performed professionally for over 30 years. In addition …
Science of Mind – The Secret Way
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 07/19/2010 In the back of the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes there are some meditations for self-help. Today I spotlight one called ‘The Secret Way’ There is a Secret Way of the Soul that all may know. It is the way of Peace and Love. This Secret Way Leads into places of joy And into the house of good. It is the way of Spirit, and …
Center for Spiritual Living – Perfect Action No Mistakes
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Today’s passage from the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes is very reassuring and powerful. “In mental work, we must realize that there is One Infinite Mind, which is consciously directing our destiny. Declare every day that: “No mistakes have been made, none are being made, and none can be made.” Declare: “There is One Supreme Intelligence which governs, guides and guards, tells me what to do, …
Center For Spiritual Living – The Life of The Mystic.
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 07.11.2010 The Sunday Talk to day was about “The Life of a Mystic” and presented by Rev. Martha Quintana. Here is a meditation from Ernest Holmes that was part of the talk. The Radiation of Life The life of God within me radiates and shines forth from me in a constant stream of Light to all. The One Life flowing through me is Life to all who …
Center for Spiritual Living – Freedom, Love and Truth.
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 07/05/2010 The talk given by Rev Martha Quintana was about July 4th and how Science of Mind relates to our Independence, physically and spiritually. You can find the talk at Sunday Talks. It is titled “Freedom, Love and Truth – Long May They Reign“. An excerpt from Science of Mind is particularly relevant. It is on page 26 of the book called Science of Mind by Ernest …
Science of Mind – Healing is Clear Thinking
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM In thinking about choosing the paragraphs from Science of Mind, I was thinking about what we call Spiritual Mind Treatment and how we are all part of the One Source. As long as we remember that and focus on that alone we can do amazing things. Healing Is Clear Thinking Scientific mental healing is the result of clear thinking and logical reasoning, which presents itself to consciousness …
Center for Spiritual Living – Meditations for today.
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Today’s post will spotlight a couple of meditations that are in Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. I like the fact that we are all from one source and that source knows only good. We have placed labels on things when in actuality there is only Good. Or to go a bit further, things just are, neither good nor bad. Enjoy! I Behold in Thee His Image …
We are only limited by the way we think. Science of Mind.
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM The philosophy that we are only limited by what we think, was very freeing for me. If I want to change conditions in my life then I only have to change my thinking about life. I can choose to be a victim or a victor and the way my life is, is totally my doing. Enjoy today’s excerpt from Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. Only Our …