Easy and Effortless Living
by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
There is One Life, One. It is All There Is. From the midst of this One comes all Life. The One and Life are the same. This One, the One I call God, is made manifest as Love, Peace, Harmony, Clarity, Focus, Happiness, Health, and Life. It is All There Is. It is here now.
I am one with God. I cannot be separated from this Life, from this One. There is never a moment, no matter the appearance, where I am separate from God. I am one with peace, love, harmony, clarity, focus, happiness, health, and life. I live in the allness of Life and I am here now. I am one with the One. As I know this for me, I know this for the person who reads this prayer.
I affirm and declare focus and clarity. Every project that is before me is done easily and effortlessly. Every project I undertake happens with an ease I have never known before and I allow it to be. The universe stands with me, behind me, and all around me. Any sense of effort disappears and I am left in the wake of absolute goodness and in the wake of absolute flow. I am the love that fills my being and this love spills over into all of my thoughts, words, actions, and affairs. This love gives me the confidence and ability to meet all of my activities easily and effortlessly. I am focused and I am clear.
I am so grateful for this clarity and grateful that all my work is done so easily. I am grateful for all of my blessings known and unknown. I am grateful to be part of the infinite flow of good. It is my good and I am happy. I am blessed.
With a blessed and grateful heart, I release my word and know this prayer is complete. And so it is. Amen.