Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changeless

Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changeless
by Nancy R Bowers, RScP

God is Changeless. Constant. It is Love. It is Joy. It is a Peace so deep, so all-consuming that no appearances can dislodge its Pervasiveness.  And yet, I seem to be in the ever-changing, enveloped by evolutionary forces that demand adjustments.  At my core, I am as God is, and I return to that Truth again and again, knowing that therein lies my stability.

I am Love. I am Peace. I am the Joy of God. I remember this as I stand rock-solid in that awareness and allow myself to witness without judgment.  I do not know what anything is for, but I am certain that God is for me.  God is for you. God is for each and every one of us – no exceptions, and so I embrace my brothers and sisters, I look past ideas of right and wrong and simply focus on the changelessness. I look for the Christ within. I recognize that the things I resist are the parts of my soul that are begging to be healed, begging to find the Love within that is the Divine Expressing. I rest on the certitude of Goodness, of recognizing that my perspective is just a perspective, and that the same thing that seems wrong for me may be right for someone else. It is the place of balance, the part that appears to change within the changeless.  It is the necessary path, where release occurs once I tire of my clutching.

I embrace that, too. I reflect on the knowingness that there is nothing to fix, only the illusion of separation to loose.  Love is all there is, and the rest is my misperception.  I made it up as a rebellion against what is.  I failed to recognize God before me.  I failed to accept that Good that was trying to bless me. 

“Let all things be exactly as they are,” Lesson 268 of A Course in Miracles tells me.  They already are Love.  They already are anchored in God’s changeless Bliss.  Let me rest in that.  Let me remember God’s all-encompassing Love.

And so it is.  Amen.