God, The Alpha and Omega


God, The Alpha and Omega
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP 

All there is is God, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning with no beginning, the end with no end.

God is change and changeless,  new and old, in everything, including life and death.

God is the promise of spring, the sadness of the old falling away, the depth of each event in life’s journey.

I affirm that every event, every person, every season, every thing is of God.

As such, there is beauty in it and as such, I am grateful for it.

I affirm that all of my experiences are blessings to me.

I am grateful for all I have, knowing that there is blessing in every experience.

I am grateful for all the people who have blessed me and comforted me.[

I release my prayer of gratitude to the law, knowing that it comes back to me as a blessing and a comfort.

And so it is

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