Liza Kerr, RScP

God as Our Source

God as Our Source
by Liza Kerr, RScP

Liza Kerr, RScP

As I am sitting here surrounded by nature breathing in the beautiful spring air and letting it fill my lungs with its warmth, I am reminded that “I am”. Looking out into my beautiful garden and appreciating the abundance of colors, and the different patterns found in nature I am again amazed at the complexity of nature in all its glory. I recognize my connection with everything I see everything and hear knowing that there is no separation.

I affirm that there is one God, that god is ubiquitous, magnificent, and amazing. That God, my God, is Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Abundance, Endless Bounty, Perfect Health, Perfect Assimilation, Perfection in all things and in all ways.

All around me I feel the essence of God that surrounds me and fills me and realize with my breath that there is no separation between that God and myself. From the core of my being, I realize that the innermost God and the outermost God are one and the same. I remember who I am. If this is true for me it is true for each of you. Not the creator but the creation.

I speak my word for each of us knowing that that which we seek is already within us. By simply acknowledging that God, or our higher power, is inseparable from us – and that we are also inseparable from our God – or higher power – we also acknowledge that God has our back. This is huge! The entire Universe is conspiring for our good. Peace, love and acceptance flood my mind and body. I feel this to the core of my being. It is so comforting and assuring. This essence of God as my higher power is the source of everything I need.

I give thanks for knowing that whatever I need is simply a thought away. I give thanks for this realization and this recognition of God, my higher power, as my one source knowing that I am never alone.

And with that I release this prayer to the law of mind knowing that it cannot come back to me void. And so it is!