Liza Kerr, RScP

God is All There Is

God is All There Is
by Liza Kerr, RScP

Liza Kerr, RScP

There is one God, that God is my God, that God is part of me now. That God, my God, is everywhere and everything. My God is Love, Peace, Harmony, Gratitude, Prosperity, Joy, Abundance and everything else that I need. God is my source.

I am one with God. There is no separation. The innermost God, and the outermost God are one and the same. If this is true for me it is true for each of you, no separation.

I speak my Word and my Word is Law, that there is enough for all of us. Enough love, enough peace, enough prosperity, abundance, gratitude and joy. Everything we need is available to us through God, as living incarnations of God. We are here by divine appointment. It is up to us to choose the path that brings us what we need or desire and to help others is reaching their goals too. The best thing we can do for another is to help him or her become their God person too.

I give gratitude for knowing that I have enough and that by sharing what I have I only multiply it. Every time I share love it increases and multiplies, never diminishes. The same is true for every quality of God. Feel joy, share joy, it multiplies. Feel prosperity, share prosperity, it multiplies.

I release this prayer to the law of mind, knowing it cannot come back to me void. And so it is.