Harmony at Work
by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
I Am One with the Infinite Spirit, one Power, one Presence – the Infinite Spirit of Goodness that is everywhere and is in everything. I am divinely connected with all of life.
I know that Divine Harmony follows me everywhere, especially at my place of work.
I am surrounded with rational, peaceful and thoughtful people who desire the highest and best Good from every situation and from every person they encounter. Throughout my day, I express perfect love, perfect peace, perfect harmony and perfect joy. These qualities of Spirit are reflected back to me in every person I interact with.
My colleagues are content, engaged, and experienced, and we work together harmoniously and efficiently. Our working relationships are peaceful and balanced. I am grateful and know that what needs to be said, is said in such a way that my words and actions are understood. I claim that perfect peace and harmony is the outcome.
I embrace the Truth that Spirit is all, and know that in every interaction, each situation at work and everywhere else the Infinite Spirit of Good resides. I am grateful for the ease and grace displayed when there is conflict at work and claim a swift resolution to any disagreements!
With so much gratitude for this Truth, I release and let go, knowing that any conflict or discord is already resolved for Good and that the positive results of any and all interactions are already complete in the mind of God. For this I am grateful.
And so it is.