Healing Through Love

Healing Through Love
by Alicia Kay Hanlen
Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group

Here we are, being asked to be fierce and tender in our call to love each other until justice and healing are the same thing.  – Mark Nepo

I take this precious moment and acknowledge the presence of God – in, around, and through me.  This One Life – which is God – contains within it all goodness, light, and love.  Everything that is needed to prosper, to find peace, and to heal any sense of separation resides right where I am – in my heart, my mind, and my spirit.  When life presents challenges, I can turn within to that Presence and feel the support.  I stand firmly, with gentle activism, when confronted with injustice.  Nothing comes between me and my truth, that Life is essentially good, and that in God all things are possible.  Knowing this truth allows me to view my fellow human beings with love, kindness, and compassion.  I find a way to perceive any challenging circumstances with a steadfast resolve to allow the good to be revealed to all parties involved.  With peace in my heart, I set aside hate.  With abundance flowing from me, lack ceases to exist.  With understanding at the forefront of my consciousness, confusion melts away back to its native nothingness.  And with Love as my grounding rod, all paths lead to healing.  Only the highest and best is out pictured and Life proves once again that all is well.  Gratefully, I release these words into the action of the Law, where they are made manifest right here and right now.  And so it is.