How GOD Forgives – RGCSL Daily Insights

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

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The insight for today:


“We are told that God will forgive us after we have first forgiven others. This is a direct statement and one that we should ponder deeply. Can God forgive until we have forgiven? If God can work for us only by working through us, then this statement of Jesus stands true and is really a statement of the law of cause and effect. We cannot afford to hold personal animosities or enmities against the world or individual members of society. All such thoughts are outside the law and cannot be taken into the heavenly consciousness. Love alone can beget love. People do not gather roses from thistles.

The Father who seest in secret will reward us openly. Shall we not learn to enter the ‘secret place of the most High’ within our own soul in gladness? We are to fast without outward sign but with the inner mind open and receptive to the Good, alone.

“Our treasure is already in heaven and our thought can take us to this treasure only when it is in accord with divine harmony and perfect love. “

“It operates simply by speaking.”

– Ernest Holmes

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