In Community Together
by Kamatara Johnson, RScP
I recognize the Beautiful Presence that is the One Loving Source, expressing in all people, places, and times. God is this One Loving Source, the Divine that Is. The joy, abundance, profundity, and bounty of this life are all connected in Spirit through people and communities just like the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. There is no separation between us, amongst us, or in us. I am one with the One that is one with you! We are in community together, in Spirit together.
Knowing this deep communion with the God that is you, I affirm a deepening expression of joy and abundance in our beloved spiritual community, the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. I honor the sanctity of what we have co-created together as we empower each other on our individual divine paths and the journey of life we face together. I celebrate with you all in my victories and lean into you in my times of need. I learn from you and experience such joy when we are together. I know that my spiritual community is my soft place to land and my springboard for total success in my life. I welcome Divine Guidance as our precious community moves forward into even more powerful expressions of the Divine, a center of Truth and Healing for all who cross our path. And I know that all of our leaders and community members of every age and nature are equal partners on this sacred journey that will continue to unfold in Divine Right Order, as the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living evolves into a deeper expression of its authentic and collective self. We are, I am, and God is…the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living.
So I give thanks for this beautiful spiritual community that teaches me so much, empowers my own consciousness to heal myself, and gives me such joy with our loving relationships. I appreciate every person who comes through the door or meets us online for we are all brothers and sisters on this journey together, lifting each other up to the best and highest good for all involved. We are truly blessed by this community and each other. I give thanks for you, the divine being that you are and the world we are making together!
With a heart full of gratitude and a certainty that this prayer is already manifesting even as it is spoken, I release this prayer to the Law, knowing all is well for each one of us individually and for us collectively at the Rio Grande for Spiritual Living. It is already good and already done. And so it is.