
by Greg Gardner, RScP

Ah how sweet this time of June is. It is the time to set your feet upon the path.

It begins with one foot in Spring…A time of new beginnings.

It ends with its other foot in Summer…A time of heat & rain, and work & production.

The message of June is rain and heat and toil.

The heat, and rain, and toil of summer begin in June and will be the time of building and production that yields the autumn time of harvest.

So the sweet message of June is to tend to the fields and welcome the sunshine, heat, rain and the opportunity to toil and to create the magic of the autumn harvest.

The message of June is to do the work and then to be open and accept the abundance, prosperity and gratitude that follows. The abundance, prosperity are there and they need only the toil to give birth to the harvest of autumn.

Ah how sweet this time of June. A time of transition from New beginnings to production, abundance, prosperity and gratitude.

Set your feet upon the path.