Love is in the Air
by Liza Kerr, RScP
“Love is the central flame of the universe, nay, the very fire itself”– Ernest Holmes
When I think of February and what it means to me, Love is the obvious answer. In practicing Science of Mind, I have come to understand that Love is truly all there is. This love permeates everything – it is like a current following in and through all of life, every aspect of life. If you look for it you can see it in the majestic beauty that surrounds us. This beautiful planet Earth that was created by God for us while we are having this human experience of living here; all around us we see the evidence of this Love. Everywhere and in all things; in everybody we meet it is Love that energizes, Love that heals, Love that gives us comfort and ease in all of our experiences; Love that gives us pleasure, Love that is fun, and invigorating, Love that is inspiring and effervescent. Everywhere – Love is.
I feel this Love wrapping me in its familiarity, allowing me to feel safe and secure. For that love that comes from God is always there, comforting me, healing me and helping me to feel all that I feel. Love indeed. I allow myself to fully experience this thing called love, and to allow the great healing that it brings, love, love, love. As for the human experience for those that are in a relationship I claim for you happiness and all that your heart desires. For those of you that are not in a relationship I ask you to imagine what it feels like to be loved. I want you to fully experience in your thoughts how it feels to have someone share a tender moment with you – feel that feeling – that feeling of reaching out and touching someone – that spark that happens when you connect. Feel that feeling, and when you feel that look past the physical and what you experience is God in its purest form – God there always with an endless supply of that feeling. The safety in knowing that your love is returned and is used to help you, the security in knowing that no matter how vulnerable you become you are always comforted always loved. There is a never ending supply of love and the more that you put out the more you receive back. What you focus on happens. That relationship manifests.
I give thanks for knowing that this manifestation has already occurred, knowing that it cannot come back to me void. I give thanks for knowing these principles and the tools for using them in my life. I give thanks for knowing that by changing my thinking I can change my life, for it is the affirmative prayer that I use to co-create my very existence, to create my reality, to bring into my realm of experience everything that I wish to experience. I give thanks for each and every gift that my experience brings into my life and I RELEASE any experience that no longer serves me knowing that it can never come back. I know that I move forward and experience the life that I choose. How cool is that!
Thank you God in me, as me through me; thank you God for the many opportunities I have had to get this right; thank you, thank you, thank you; love, love, love.
I release my Word to the law of Mind knowing that it cannot come back to me void. I anchor this prayer into place by saying – AND SO IT IS!