Love: The Ultimate Agenda
by Nancy Bowers, RScP
“It is necessary for the teacher of God to realize, not that he should not judge, but that he cannot. In giving up judgment, he is merely giving up what he did not have. He gives up an illusion; or better, he has an illusion of giving up. He has actually merely become more honest. Recognizing that judgment was always impossible for him, he no longer attempts it.” ~A Course in Miracles, Manual for Teachers,
Today, I allow the cool morning air to take me deeper into that space where I meet with the Divine. It is a space of Love and Support. It is the space where I can let go of ideas of trying to design my life and go with the flow of Spirit. It is easy here. In this space I am stripped of notions of judgment – no good or bad – just an evolution of life becoming ever more sophisticated. Yet all of it stems from a very simple idea: God is Love. The Universe is continually morphing, reaching toward that space where Love wins.
In this here and now, I know that Love is all there is. It is the Ultimate Agenda. Spirit is perpetually spinning life into an evermore inclusive expression of that Love. For as God is, I am. As God is, you are. As God is, we all are. Love at the core. Love is the answer. Don’t know which choice to make? Ask yourself, “Is it loving? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” How many times have tongues wagged with cruelty because of judgment? Yet upon self-reflection, it occurs to me that I NEVER have the full picture (even about wagging tongues!). It is impossible for me to see the myriad ways life is connected. I cannot judge because it is impossible for me to comprehend the totality of the outcome of my choices. All I can know with any degree of certainty is if I chose love or fear. Was I true to the God within, or did I allow fear to lead me astray?
As Gay Pride month begins, I affirm that each of us chooses love. No matter one’s politics. No matter one’s personal beliefs. Choose love. Be kind. Allow the generosity of Spirit to fill your life with love and support and tolerance. Each of us is allowed preferences, but Love never imposes those preferences on others. Choose love. Choose kindness.
I give thanks for how far we’ve come. I give thanks that Love IS the answer and that in greater and greater numbers, people realize this. I give thanks that evolution favors kindness, that each generation is more tolerant than its predecessor. Mostly, I give thanks that God is Love, in ALL Its expressions.
Then I let go – of judgment and/or fear of anything and everything that stands in the way of love. I choose love. And, so it is.