Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

n Order To Say YES to Life, We Have To Say YES To Life Experiences

In Order To Say YES to Life, We Have To Say YES To Life Experiences
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

There is only one Universal Being, which is God, and God is that Spiritual Energy Force that allows us to experience life to the fullest. As we breathe in this knowing, we say YES to the knowing that Spirit will provide when life situations come forth for us to experience. It is in that knowing that we feel Spirit’s presence, as Spirit waits to be called. What a beautiful sense of knowing that is.

I affirm that it is God’s desire to bring forth experiences that will grant us happiness and joy.

As we open ourselves up to receive, we ask ourselves –

What is waiting and needs to emerge in my life?

What are my gifts to share?

As we set intentions for ourselves to say Yes, we then get to graciously experience what life brings forth, and those experiences will unfold mightily and magnificently. We can then affirm and declare that “Happiness is Mine”, knowing that God’s desires for us are the same as our desires.

Accept these life experiences called forth, as they are God-given gifts of Grace. Then place all with much gratitude and appreciation into the action of the Law, letting go and letting God provide. Declare that all is well in your life, knowing that it is done, as we believe.

And so it is.