Nothing Missing

Nothing Missing
by Yvette Trujillo, RScP

God is. God is the light streaming through my window this morning. It is a hazy sky and the sound of chirping birds. I know that this example of beauty that is present at any moment is a mirror, a reflection of who I am. As I look out into this beautiful peaceful morning to gather up my memory, the memory of who I truly am; a child of the most high God.

Taking this moment to remember the Truth, I know that I have all that I need this day to face all challenges, all obstacles and to see every opportunity that presents itself to me. I have the clarity of the divine within me. I have the wisdom of spirit coursing through my veins. I have the love of God beating my heart. I am the very presence of the Spirit that surrounds me and that lives within me. Remembering this I walk boldly and expectantly into this day filled with infinite possibility. God is. I Am. And so it is.