
by Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D., RScP

Let me open to the Oneness
To That Which Is — sometimes called God, sometimes Great Spirit, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Elohim, and more — many names has the One.
The One is like we… Many and yet one. Or is it really that we are like the One?

We are made in It’s image… It is written.
One because we are created by and are an essential part of the Oneness.

Today, let me choose to recognize that That Which Is is all that is.
It lies in all that occurs, also in each one of us.

It is in the pain as well as in the joy.
It is in the thorn as well as the rose ????petal.
It is in the Earth, as well as the sky.
It is where I see, and where I do not see

Today, let me open to the more that is God and that is me.
Let me in my life open to a greater view, a bigger life, and a more expanded Me.
And so it is!