Peace and Harmony
by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
In this moment, I release all that has gone before this time and this place. I turn my attention to the One Power, the One Divine Mind which I call God or Spirit. I recognize that God is the essence of all and the very ground of all being. God is the TRUTH of life.
I know in my being and fully recognize myself as Divine substance, a perfect facet of God. I feel the unity of all in God. I am now thinking with the Mind of God.
I speak my word for the clarity, unity, the peace and harmony in ALL situations. I affirm that God is manifesting its perfect qualities as my life, my family, the life of Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, for Home Office CSL, for our nation and for our world. I see clearly the path forward, knowing that Spirit is ever guiding and directing me as long as I surrender and keep my ego out of it. I claim perfect peace, love, compassion and kindness for myself, my family and my neighbors. As I align myself with this consciousness, I declare that all good is already mine by my very nature. The Power of God reveals its presence in all things.
I am grateful for this blessing occurring in my life right NOW. I am grateful that I don’t need to effort at this, that God has my back, and it is done even before I speak these words. With joy and gratitude, I release this prayer to the action of the Law of Mind and Spirit, knowing that it is done.
And so it is.