Peace Is the Power at the Heart of God
by Dr. Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) (submitted by Marylyn Kirk)
My peace is found at the heart of God. The heart of God, for me, is found at the very center of my being. It does not matter how closely the confusion of our outer world presses against me. I am not even disturbed by the confusion in my immediate environment. I know that the only way to counteract confusion is to bring peace into play. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, I give unto you.” These words of assurance stay with me, and I hear them re-echoing in the depths of my being.
I surrender all of my fears – those nameless fears which have beset me for such a long time, dulling my pleasure and clouding with misery and apprehension all of my days. I am now through with fear. What, indeed, is there for a divine and immortal being to fear. Certainly not people, for as I am a divine and immortal being, so is everyone, and everyone is my sibling. I recognize the one Life Principle, working in and through and inspiring the motives of everyone I contact.
I do not fear sickness, disease or death, because the eternal and perfect Life animates my body and goes always about Its perfect work, healing and renewing that body. I am not afraid of want or lack, for the infinite Essence supplies me with everything I need all of the time. There is nothing for me to fear, for I am an inseparable part of God. I live in It: It lives in me; and I draw upon Its perfect peace.
My Peace is found at the heart of God.
Original text – Dr. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind p. 558
Adapted for inclusive language – 2021-03-09