Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth
by Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group

“May the candles on the altar of faith and the soft light of love glow warm and bright this Christmas. May the New Year bring to you and yours the rich blessings of joy and happiness. This is my Christmas prayer.” ~Ernest Holmes

Divine Love, Infinite Life. May every being who reads or hears these words be encircled in the wondrous light and love energy that this season brings. Be open, be receptive. Allow the joy to infuse you and fill you up with the qualities that life brings to you. Tap into your inner little child, and feel the awe of this precious time of year. Rejoice and feel the blessings of the day.

As many gather with family and friends, be grateful for the experiences. For those who observe in solitude, gather the strength and fortitude from your own essence, for there is where it resides.

May humanity find its way to seek peace in their hearts and minds, and extend it forward to all. And what I know to be true is that in God, all things are possible.

And so it is.