Peace with Ourselves

Peace with Ourselves
by Robyn Rice Olmstead, RScP, ALSP, Emerita
(818) 300-3911
Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves. “
Dalai Lama

Take a deep breath.
Breathing in Love.
Breathing in Light.
Breathing in Truth.

Recognizing that every breath is evidence of the one Infinite Power that is known by many names. God, Source, the Universe, Buddha, Alla, Jehova, Yeshua… no matter what the name, it is the equivalent of Love. The highest, purest, power that there is. The one thing operating in, as, and through me. Love is who we are. As we embrace the fullness of Love, we stand in the knowingness of who we truly are. We see that we are Unstoppable! We are aligned with our unique power, passion, and purpose. As we follow our divine guidance we know Peace. A peace that surpasses human understanding. An energy that aligns in our heart and soul, indie and out, and propels us forward to our greatest yet to be.

Gratitude is the order of the day. We breath in Peace. We breathe in Love and we remember exactly who and whose we are. When standing firmly in the Oneness, Peace reveals itself as our lives.
Grateful and thankful for the reminder, that we are Unstoppable, we take our human hands off it, and allow it to be.

And so it is.
