Prayer of Embrace: Everything is For You
by Nancy Bowers, RScP
“Life is simple. Everything happens for you not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.” ~Byron Katie
God is Good. Loving. Kind. Generous. God is FOR me. Everything that happens in my world is for me. Everything that happens in your world is FOR you. Everything is a blessing when you shed the victim lens and understand that the Universe is conspiring in your favor.
In this moment, I pause to remember that. I pause to drink in the deliciousness of it. God loves me so deeply that EVERYTHING in my life is there to help me. And even more fantastically, no suffering is required. I breathe that in. If I don’t like what is happening, it’s on me. God is not punishing me. God is pushing me in the right direction; the direction of growth – the direction of blossoming into my best self.
So, in this moment, I embrace God’s embrace. I remember that I am made in that likeness and image and that all that God is, I am. I am never helpless or without resources for God is for me. All prayers are answered. All circumstances are fodder, and help is always available for the asking.
I affirm and embrace Love Glasses – the lens of God, the lens of Love and Compassion. I declare that no matter what the appearance, I am surrounded by Love, and that God is forever for me, never against me. I embrace all that is. I shed my resistance, my judgments and ideas that are essentially trying to make God wrong(!) and instead sink into the love. God’s Love. Perfect Love. The Love that is calling me towards my best self and encouraging me to listen to Divine Guidance.
Notice how it changes everything to remember no matter what is happening, it is a gift for good. Notice how much easier difficulties are when you remember that the Universe is conspiring in your favor. Life is for you. God is for you. Love is everywhere present when you remember to look for it: for what you seek you shall find. Bounty is ours for the receiving the moment we open ourselves to faith and put our trust in God.
And I give thanks for that. I give thanks that God loves us so deeply, so completely that no matter what is happening, there are blessings scattered amid the debris.
Then I let go. Why worry about the how when God has it covered? My only task is to trust and listen for direction and it is so much easier than trying to run the show by myself. Thank you, God, for all your blessings. I am so grateful. I am so blessed. And, so it is.