Prayer Treatment for Health
by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
There is One Mind, One Power, One Divine Presence that is All-knowing, All-powerful, and everywhere.
I know and accept that I am a Divine Center and I choose to see that truth come forth into expression.
I also choose to bring forth, expressing right here and now, a physical manifestation of my body temple as being clear, strong, energetic and flexible. I declare into my subconscious mind that any and all patterns that could possibly cause disease of any kind are now neutralized, denied, robbed of all authority. Therefore, every pattern of normal health is now activated in my mind. I declare that I have perfect assimilation, perfect circulation and perfect elimination.
I am radiantly healthy. I am the energy, the vitality, the strength of the Living God. I walk with ease. I step with poise into all activities that my heart desires.
I am aware that I am a light in the world, and I express an abundance of love to all. My lungs are so strong, my breath deep, and all my hormones and DNA support this truth.I am filled with peace, knowing these truths about my being.
Life is good, 24/7, just the way that it is and just the way that it is not. Thank you Spirit. I accept this. And so it is.
Affirmations for Health and Well Being – from Rev. Judee Chapman, Capistrano Valley CSL
My body glows with radiant energy and good health.
Every organ, action and function of my body is in perfect balance.
Life flows and sings throughout my body.
Vibrant life flows through every cell of my body.
I love this body, and I feel it’s aliveness and sparkling vitality.