Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Releasing Responsibility for Others

Releasing Responsibility for Others
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries

As a woman, a mother, and a teacher, I have always felt great pressure to protect others from harm or having a less-than experience of life. I have always been a great cheerleader for others to be empowered and take command of their lives. I strive to function from a place of integrity and discipline so the experiences we may have together are of the highest quality. 

However, I’m learning that I can’t control other people’s experiences, no matter how well-intentioned and well-prepared I am. I cannot make things perfect for myself or others. I cannot protect everyone, including myself, from the risks that come with living life and having experiences. Accidents happen, rough experiences occur, and those are just as valuable and important as the good times, the smooth sailing, and the victories.

So, I expand my capacity to allow us each to live our lives and have the experiences we need to have, no matter what those experiences look like. I release the need to judge things as good, bad, rough, smooth, horrible, perfect, and so on.  I trust that the Universe is always acting for my best and highest good and for yours too! I release the idea that I need to control the situation and that I am responsible for other people’s experience of that situation. It is up to each of us how we experience what is coming towards us, and no matter what that is or how it goes, it is right for each person. 

As we believe “in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness, and the eternal Givingness of Life to All,” I know that all is well. I surrender it all to the eternal Goodness and get out of the way. I accept responsibility for myself and allow others to be responsible for themselves. I allow the good to come forth as it is, not as I would have it be. Then we both grow into the greater expression of ourselves as we are truly called to be in this Divine expression of life. And so it is.